Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter Recipe

Easter is coming up & I want to make something to bring.  I am not sure what to cook. Decisions, decisions. I haven't cooked for awhile actually. I want to get back into it.

Should I make an appetizer, side dish or dessert? I am leaning towards a side dish or dessert.

My Valentine's Day appetizer was a hit & festive with hearts. First time I've made it. It was time consuming so I want to do something a little easier to put together for Easter. I want to make something cold or room temperature. I don't want to be dealing with an oven because hopefully it will be warmer weather by then! If I make a dessert I want it to be cute & festive like for the v-day party. Either that or a salad of some sort maybe.

Fried eggplant with some cheese & fresh basil.

By the way, my $1.99 basil pot I purchased is actually working! Nothing edible yet, but it's growing. Hopefully it keeps growing & I didn't just jinx it. Not a lot of sun for it lately though. Wish me luck!


  1. I think this is adorable....I would just make one big one in a trifle bowl


    - Alison

  2. So cute! Thanks for the idea Hun.

  3. Dessert would be fun and cute, but my dad is making a carrot cake. I think I am leaning towards making deviled eggs. I have never made them before and there is different ways to. I am thinking some regular, some crab.
