Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nutritional Supplements

Protein bars are pretty popular among people nowadays.  I have tried a few kinds before and some of them weren’t very good at all.  It’s hard to find a protein bar that is good for you, but also good for your taste buds.  I found that some are too strong with a protein taste and they taste too healthy that they weren’t enjoyable so it keeps you from eating them.  I don’t eat a lot of meat on a normal basis so I like to look for alternative ways to get the nutrients that my body needs.  While in the check out aisle at Walmart the other day I came across a brand of nutrition bars called Luna.  Luna is a whole line of products specifically for women.  The bar I had was called “Nutz over Chocolate” and it has the “Core 4” vitamins and minerals needed in it, calcium, folic acid, iron and vitamin D.  Along with this bar being 70% organic, it has 9 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber.  The bar is only 180 calories and is a good meal supplement because they definitely fill you up.  I had it for breakfast and it was very tasty!  It’s one of the good protein/nutrition bars out there.

So if you’re looking for a supplement like this, check them out!  For more information on this brand and additional flavor options go to

Another protein meal bar I like is made by Kellogg’s.  See picture below.

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