Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homemade Turkey Burgers

These burgers are so easy and quick to make.  It has very little ingredients which makes it a cheap meal to make for the family.  They are extremely healthy, a great source of protein and only about 140 calories each.  Skip those greasy 1,000 burgers at the restaurants and go home and make these just as tasty burgers.  I ate this for dinner with no bun tonight, but a great way to have that still would be to toast a multi-grain english muffin.  I used salsa as the condiment, but you can use whatever you prefer.  For example:  Ketchup, BBQ sauce, pickles, etc., all which don't contain many calories.  Or instead of garlic powder add your favorite spice.

The recipe calls for:

1 small onion, chopped
1 cup salsa
1 tsp garlic powder
1 lb fat-free ground turkey

-- Mix all the above ingredients in a large bowl.  Separate the mixture into four patties.
-- Spray cooking oil into a large pan.  Place the patties in the pan and cook on each side until the patties are cooked all the way through.  Approximately 10 minutes on medium for each side.
-- Top the burger with some salsa and ENJOY!