Saturday, April 20, 2013

Zucchini Cakes Turned to Hash

The recipe calls for:
2 eggs
3 zucchini, shredded
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
4 tbs flour
7 green onions, chopped
1 tsp baking powder
pepper, to taste
cooking spray oil

-- Drain the shredded zucchini of the excess water it contains the best you can.
-- Mix the eggs, zucchini, cheese, flour, onions, baking powder and pepper in a large bowl.
-- Spray a large non-stick pan with cooking oil.
-- Place the zucchini mixture in the pan and cook for about 10 minutes.  Mix while cooking so all the zucchini gets browned up a little.

The reason I think this recipe didn't turn into the cakes I wanted is because I didn't fry them up in butter and oil like the original recipe said to.  I wanted to make it healthier.  If you wanted to you could make the mixture into patties and fry them up in more then just cooking spray oil.  You could also add a little more flour to make them into more of a cake as well.  The hash was just as tasty though, the mounds of oil and butter isn't necessary.  I also think if the shredded zucchini was drained a little more of the water it holds it could've worked better too.  You always learn something while cooking!

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