Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cutting Out Dairy

Being a mom of a preemie is a unique experience. From day one life has been slightly different than that of my mom friends. My son was 2 pounds 10 oz and exactly 10 weeks early. He stayed in the NICU for 6 weeks and it was so hard to leave him every day. You think you have a baby and get to go home with them and start this new journey as a little family. Our fate wasn't that, but that's okay, our journey was special. I am so grateful for the amazing hands on nurses, the doctors that made sure he had the best life possible, my family and friends for being their for me and mostly for my son and he was healthy, he just needed to grow. I made it my mission to make sure regardless of him being premature that he wasn't delayed in any way. I worked with him and still do every day to make sure he is always learning and growing. As a preemie mom, growing is something you always strive for and worry about whether it's their size or growing your childs mind.

My son has struggled with very bad allergies and some childhood asthma, has had two surgeries before the age of 3 and we were told he may need a third. I really did not want that to happen so I researched and explored different things to see if they could help and THEY DID!

He has had the tubes put in his ears like so many other toddlers as well as a hernia surgery in his groan. The one tube moved in his ear after almost a year and wasn't working anymore. It was still stuck in his ear and we brought him to the doctor and as suspected he had an ear infection. As soon as the one tube wasn't working, EAR INFECTION. Seeing this and knowing what I knew I immediately thought he would need a new tube put in. We treated the ear infection and made an ENT appointment with his previous surgeon. At the appointment he told my husband he had a lot of fluid in his ear but no infection. He removed the tube that was in the wrong place and told him to come back in 8 weeks. At that time I had it in my head, he had to get surgery AGAIN. I was so upset.

But after the research I did and the advice I received, things got better. I believe removing the tube had a good part of it as well. We think maybe since it was in the wrong place, but didn't fall out yet that it was preventing the flow of the fluids and it was making it build up. Along with that being removed, we stopped ALL dairy milk. Started him on coconut milk since he's had that before and then changed to unsweetened almond milk. The transition went good and we had no issues. He still eats dairy like cheese and yogurt but when it comes to milk, NO cows milk.

You hear about how dairy can affect congestion and mucus etc., well he is proof that is TRUE. With having no cows milk along with putting an essential oil mixture on his feet twice a day he is doing much better. His coughing, asthma issues and nasal congestion has decreased drastically. I am so happy we tried these two remedies and we will continue to do them in order to prevent things going back to the way they were. My son was sick all the time. Granted germs and other things have been factors since he does go to daycare, but this has limited those circumstances in a big way and for that I am grateful. He will get sick again of course but if by doing these two small things limits that even the littiest bit I am all for it! Anything to help my "baby".

We go for his follow up appointment in two weeks and I am very hopeful that he won't need surgery again. Fingers crossed!

Positive vibes,


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