Monday, April 13, 2015

Black Bean Hummus Wrap

The recipe calls for:
2 cans of black beans, rinsed
2 garlic cloves or a spoonful of already minced garlic
2 jalapenos
1 tbs honey
salt & pepper to taste
-- Put all the ingredients into a food processor and you have hummus! Super easy! :)
I actually didn't add salt to mine, but the recipe says to and also I used the seeds to the jalapenos so it was extra spicy. I love spicy food, plus it helps me drink more water.
I am using the hummus for wraps this week for my lunches. The wrap is only 100 calories, it has flax seed in it. I just cooked up some zucchini and red peppers in a pan. I am going to switch it up each day, one day all veggies, one day maybe add cheese or just some lunch meat and hummus.
My brother has made this a few times as a dip with healthy dipping options. So delicious!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Healthy Chocolate Cake, Is There Such A Thing?

There sure is!
My mom's birthday was last month and my whole family is really trying to be healthy, but I still wanted to make something special for her. There is even a 90 day challenge going on with myself, my husband and brother to prep for our vacation in June. Even though we are trying to have a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean we can't have dessert. I wanted to make a cake for my mom because what is a birthday without a birthday cake. I was browsing online and found one that looked awesome. I had a few of the ingredients so I decided to try it out.
The recipe calls for:
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 coconut oil, melted
1/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of sea salt
-- Preheat the oven to 320 degrees.
-- Combine all the dry ingredients. (cocoa, coconut flour, cinnamon, baking powder and sea salt) Mix together.
-- Add the eggs, honey, coconut oil, vanilla. Mix together.
-- Pour mixture into a greased round regular cake pan. I just sprayed the pan with some coconut oil.
-- Bake for 25 minutes.
-- Top with shredded coconut. You could also make an icing as well or some powdered sugar. I went the healthiest route I could think of and it paired well with the coconut flour in the cake.
This cake was delicious and very moist! It's definitely worth trying out. I am now obsessed with coconut flour. It smells so good and is a great substitute for regular white flour. We have since made pancakes with the coconut flour.