Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world. - Rebecca Campbell

I'm Jenn, with 2 n's. Mother of a little superhero, wife, coffee obsessed, lover of life, photography, music, healthy living, nature, food. I have a passion for all the beauty in this world & striving to be the best me possible. Here you will find recipe ideas, mom life posts, photos taken by me & anything else that crosses my crazy mind.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today is an amazing day, I am officially in my second trimester.  I waited 14 weeks for this moment and it is really special to me and means a lot.  I can now feel more relaxed that all will be okay.  Never been happier in my life and I have my little munchkin to thank.  I am so grateful to have gotten pregnant so fast and to get to this point. :)
Being pregnant brings healthy to a whole other level.  I need to make sure I am drinking about 80 ounces of water a day, eating enough protein and no artificial sweeteners or flavors.  It was hard at first to see what I was allowed and what I wasn't, but now I am into a groove and have found some great foods that are great for the baby and I.  Drinking all that water is tough though, I find using a straw helps.
Can't wait for the next 26 weeks!  This also brings spring cleaning to a whole other level, lots to do!  Lots to prepare for!

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