Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world. - Rebecca Campbell

I'm Jenn, with 2 n's. Mother of a little superhero, wife, coffee obsessed, lover of life, photography, music, healthy living, nature, food. I have a passion for all the beauty in this world & striving to be the best me possible. Here you will find recipe ideas, mom life posts, photos taken by me & anything else that crosses my crazy mind.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Deviled Egg Dip

Wondering what to do with all those colored hard boiled eggs the kids made?  Try this recipe out!

This isn't the healthiest recipe, but it's nice for a treat.  Sometimes you need to slurge a little and what better time then on a holiday, Easter being a perfect one since it's an egg dish.  I served it with mult-grain pita chips.

The recipe calls for:
1 dozen eggs
1 cup light mayo
1 tbs yellow mustard
2 tbs white vinegar
salt & pepper

--  Fill a pot with water so that the eggs are covered about an inch.  Add the vinegar.  Once the water is brought to a boil remove the pot from heat, cover and let sit for 15 minutes.  Run the eggs under cold water for awhile and then peel them.
-- Cut the eggs in half.  Put all but one half of each egg white into a food processor.  The other egg white half place into a bowl.
-- In the food processor blend the eggs, mayo and mustard.  Add salt and pepper.  Blend again and put the dip into a bowl.
-- Chop up the bowl of egg whites.  Add them to the dip and mix.
-- Top the dip with a sprinkle of paprika.

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